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Discontinuation of coverage

2017-09-06 00:00:00 发布机构:德意志银行 我要纠错

丽江旅游(002033)Discontinuation of coverage

We discontinue the coverage of the stock immediate effect. Our previous ratingand price target should no longer be relied upon.Analyst CertificationThe views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the undersigned lead analyst(s) about thesubject issuer and the securities of the issuer. In addition, the undersigned lead analyst(s) has not and will not receive anycompensation for providing a specific recommendation or view in this report. Tallan Zhou

Buy: Based on a current 12- month view of total share-holderreturn (TSR = percentage change in share price from currentprice to projected target price plus pro-jected dividend yield ) ,we recommend that investors buy the stock.Sell: Based on a current 12-month view of total share-holderreturn, we recommend that investors sell the stock.Hold: We take a neutral view on the stock 12-months out and,based on this time horizon, do not recommend either a Buyor Sell.

Newly issued research recommendations and target pricessupersede previously published research.

